Detect Memory Leaks in C++ Project using Visual Studio Express Edition

Whenever using Pointers in C++ there are chances of having memory leaks in the program. Pointers in C++ Projects allows programmer to allocate and free up memory as and when required. In case a C++ project allocates memory but does not releases it, then the C++ program is said to be causing memory leaks. The C++ Sample project presented here demonstrates how you have introduce memory leaks in your C++ program and how you can detect the memory leak in Visual Studio Express Edition.

C++ Sample Project to Cause and Detect Memory leaks

C++ Sample Project to Cause and Detect Memory leaks

As displayed in the above screenshot, the C++ program allocates memory for an integer variable but does not deletes it causing memory leaks. Note the line

#include <crtdbg.h>

has been added to the project and the first function call to _CrtSetDbgFlag ensures that whenever your program terminates, any memory leaks are displayed onto the output window of Visual Studio. The output of this sample C++ project is nothing but a memory leak of 4 bytes as displayed in the screenshot below.

Output Window of Visual Studio Express Edition Displays Memory Leaks

Output Window of Visual Studio Express Edition Displays Memory Leaks

It is not a good programming practice to leave memory leaks in your C++ projects. You must always allocate memory as and when needed and free it whenever you do not need the allocated memory. Microsoft recommend adding given below lines to the C++ project for detecting memory leaks.

#define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC#include <stdlib.h>#include <crtdbg.h>

and in your C++ program execution you can request a memory check anytime by calling the given below function.


The Complete Project Source Code of this Sample Project to introduce and detect memory leaks is as given below. Memory leaks needs to be considered whenever your C++ Project is using pointers to allocate and free up Class Objects. There are many other 3rd party software tools apart from Visual C++ which help developers of C++ Projects to find and isolate Memory Leaks.

#include "stdafx.h"//Add given below Lines to C++ Project#define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC#include #include int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){//Add This Line_CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF );//Your Program which can have memory leaksint* pOinterToInteger = new int;return 0;}